CPC was founded by Everett B. Lund in the early 1930s when he purchased his first printing press for $50 while working as a delivery person for a local dairy. His first printing job was imprinting on labels for the Onalaska Pickle and Canning Company.
After World War II, Lund started Modern Printing Company and began publishing the Holmen Times. Later, he purchased the La Crosse County Record, published in Onalaska. The two papers eventually merged into the weekly Times-Record. Circulation was approximately 800 with a yearly subscription cost of $3.
Modern Printing Company became Crescent Printing Company when Lund purchased Crescent in 1955. He later sold his newspaper interests, which at one time included the La Crosse Shopper, to concentrate on outside printing contracts.
An association with D. B. Reinhart, owner of Gateway Foods, brought the opportunity to produce what was called the IGA Shopper, an eight-page black and white tabloid. For a number of years, this publication was printed using the letterpress process. As Gateway grew, so did their need for a better product. To meet Reinhart’s production specifications and still remain competitive, Crescent purchased its first web offset press. Along with speed and efficiency, the company could now offer color to Gateway as well as the many other weekly newspapers and shoppers it was now printing.
Current President, Roger Bjorge, joined CPC in 1957. His first job was running a linotype machine. As the business grew, the opportunity to work in and become familiar with all phases of the company was the stepping stone for Roger to become part of the management team.
In order to meet the growing demand of newsprint publications for higher quality, more pages, and faster turnaround, the company purchased both used and new web offset presses. During this period, the sheetfed offset business was also growing, so the company invested in equipment to meet those needs as well.