Collegiate magazines are an important part of the education system and to the institution itself. They often identify the characteristics of the educational institution through the writing of both it’s students and school staff. It usually revolves around the school community, mostly news, events, and highlights of both its students and staff. CPC Printing and Promotions have been printing various types of magazines for over 80 years. Here are a few reasons why we believe collegiate magazines would be beneficial to your school:
1. Student/college magazines also serve as a great way to encourage healthy competition and embrace social values. Student magazines serve as a platform that allows students and teachers to discuss the school community and activities. This helps the school highlights their most important events and students
2. The implementation of collegiate magazines into the classroom is a great way to get the entirety of the school involved. This will help students to become critical thinkers, as well as improve their reading and writing skills. Students can have something to look forward to when they find that parts of their school career will be recorded.
3. Collegiate magazines are a great souvenir for graduates and alumni to have something to look back to. For those who are extremely involved in school activities, or even with the planning and design of the magazine itself, the magazine is almost like a very well-designed photo album or scrapbook.
Keep the students and school staff more informed with collegiate magazines by highlighting important school activities and publishing memorable moments of students. If you are looking for a printer that prints collegiate magazines or you are looking to start printing a student publishing for the first time, our experts are here to help. We have printed student magazines since the 1930s for cities across the country. Call us or click here for a free quote.