Before getting into the creative process of article layouts, color schemes, and using the best photos, you need to consider the printing process before starting a magazine print. Understanding the printing process will help you understand how it will affect your creative process. The last thing you need is to be surprised by unforeseen circumstances and then spending more to correct them. Below is a list of what you need to know before starting a magazine print:

1. Binding Style – Saddle-stitch and the Perfect Binding methods are the more typical binds for almost any type of magazine, dictating the number of pages for your magazine. The Saddle-Stitch method is better for magazines that have fewer pages because of its economical value. The Perfect Binding is recommended for magazines that have a higher magazine page count and it allows printing on the spine.

2. Dimensions – There are standard sizes for magazines, even though you are able to choose the height and width of your own when starting a magazine print. Not adhering to the standard sizes could potentially lead to waste as the printing process will not always print effectively, costing you more in the long run.

3. Ink Colors – Most magazines are full-colored pages to provide maximum visual impact. Before cutting, pages often have Bleeds, meaning the ink coverage extends to the edge of the paper. From here, the pages are cut by the Cropmarks, marks that indicate the actual size of the page, for a crisp sharp edge.

4. Paper Characteristics – Magazines tend to have very thin glossy stock paper because they are not frequently used. This means four things: a.) durability is not a high factor, b.) lighter weight means lower postage costs, c.) reduces bulkiness, and d.) thinner paper is cheaper.


CPC Printing and Promotions offers professional magazine print, with a variety of options for designing and printing. Call us today at 608-781-1050 if you have any questions about starting a magazine print.